Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday Morning

Karen's feeling pretty good this morning! Bailey's here visiting right now. Tyler is at the Mathias'. I think they're having a good time. They've been spending a lot of time with friends. We've sure been missing them, but consider ourselves blessed to have such great friends helping out!!

It looks like they will be moving us to another room some time today. This floor is really for labor/delivery patients. You'll have to check back here or call me on my cell to find out where we've moved. Karen is on the "no info" list, which means they won't release any information at all about her. The only reason she's done this is due to the fact that she worked here for some 12+ years and doesn't want all her ex-coworkers nosing into her personal business.

We've had a ton of visitors and calls from friends, family and church family. We are so blessed!!! Thank you all so much!

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