Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday Afternoon

If you're here, I'm sure you already know most of what's going on with Karen. The only new news is that the gastrointerologist finally came by about an hour ago. Basically, he just confirmed what we already suspected.

For right now, he just wants to give her bowels some time to rest while they pump her full of antibiotics and other fluids. He's hopes she will be ready for the colonoscopy by Monday, so that means we're stuck here til then, if not later.

He thinks this is all a part of her fouled up autoimmune system. He won't say for sure until after the scope, but he suspects the diagnosis will be Crohn's or Colitis. Both of these are very closely related to Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is what her rheumatologist had previously diagnosed. I can't even begin to adequately explain any of these diseases, but the juxt of it is that her autoimmune system is messed up and attacking her own body. All of these conditions are chronic and there is no real cure for any of it, so please pray with us for long-term remission.

Karen is feeling pretty good right now. They have finally given her something for her cramping and pain. Any of you who've endured a stay at the hospital know how hard sleep is to come by with all the blood draws, vital checks, etc, so she's still pretty tired.

Thanks to all of you for the calls of concern, prayers and flowers!!! We are truly blessed with a bunch of great friends, family and an amazing church family!!

1 comment:

David said...

Praying for you-